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02. About

Powered by SoundCam Productions

Virtual Production Studio

Since 2014, due to numerous technical implementations, our audio studio has undergone a vast development. Therefore, we have expanded our tool kit and knowledge towards motion pictures, too.

By following world trends, we consider it crucial that we be not only the followers but also the creators of the technical achievements of the 21st century and at the same time, we would like to carry on the values created by our ancestors into the virtual world.

The Ultimate


‘The Earth was not inherited from our ancestors but was lent from our grandchildren’ – being inspired by the thoughts of David Brower, our goal is to create contents of musical, dance and theatrical arts which offer entertainment and at the same time represents high values and which can be built in different interactive games, meta universes or can also be used for educational purposes.

This is the



These are the


Prepared shows
Artists ready
Artists involved

02. Services

Sound & Motion

Full Performance Motion Capture

We can guarantee the recording of the movements of the concert or the show based on how our procurers dreamed them to be, including facial, body and finger movements. This way, the performance can at choice be inserted  in the required environment (game, meta universe) using the skin of whatsoever devised character. At once, we can assure the synchronized, mixed and mastered stereo audio file as well.

Full Scale Productions

Pre-recorded shows

Besides the audio recording and the ’full body capture’ mentioned in the previous point, we take on all-inclusive environment planning as well as creation of different characters. You can recieve a complete, stand-alone production in hand, let it be a musical program, a concert, a dance show, a theater performance or the alloy of these three.

VR live

Interactive shows

Depending on the framework, in case of some of the shows we can ensure the full body capture, as well the live mixing, too. As long as a bilateral communication can be established, then a fully interactive show can also come into existence which then the participants of the game or that of the meta universe will be able to alter at choice from any part of the world.


Full Time Live

Our large art network and infrastructure can provide you with entertainment or education in 0-24, let it be a virtual hospitable unit where the player can request their favorite song from the band, or a karaoke bar where you can sing and dance on stage with us, or we can even think of a virtual arts school where our player can take part in a music or dance class within the frames of a fixed curriculum – none of these mean an obstacle to our team.


04. Contact

Get In Touch

With Us

Budapest, Füzér u. 37, 1102 Hungary